Advantages of elevator gearless motor

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Before we talk about the advantages of the elevator gearless motor, it may be interesting to know; The elevator is more than a century old and has become an integral part of our lives with today’s lifestyle. Scud Lift Commercial Engineering Company, which has good experience in this field, draws your attention to reading the rest of the article.

What is a gearless elevator?

The word Gearless means without gears. Gearless elevators are actually elevators that do not have a gearbox and the rotation of the traction shaft is controlled with the help of an inverter or a speed control drive. Usually, the motors of these types of elevators are permanent magnets, which are more efficient than other motors. Previously, DC motors were used in gearless elevators to control positive and negative acceleration curves. But now, with the advancement of technology in the production of permanent magnets and power electronics, AC motors are used in these types of elevators.

What are the most important components of the elevator gearless motor?

Usually, each elevator gearless motor is made of various components, the most important of which are:

• Tensile sheet
• Drive motor
• Chassis
• Protective bearing
• Direct current router or armature
• Magnetic brake
• Motor body terminal box
• shaft
• Flange
• Bearings
• Encoder

Since the technology of these types of elevators is different, they no longer use a series of components that are not useful, that’s why components such as upper round bearings, gears and lower gears, couplings and other flywheels are used in this type of gearless elevators. does not take Another important point regarding the absence of gears in this elevator is that it does not need oil and lubrication.

14 What is the most important advantage of the elevator gearless motor?

According to the structure of the elevator gearless motor, its use has various advantages, and we would like to mention 14 of them below.

1- The installation of these types of elevators is quick and easy.
2- It needs a little space for installation. As a result, it can be easily implemented in small buildings that have little space.
3- You pay a small fee for the installation, maintenance and service of this type of elevator, so it is economical.
4- The efficiency of the elevator increases with this gearless motor.

5- It does not use gears, so it does not need lubrication.
6- There is no need to install additional cooling systems and equipment.
7- The performance of this type of elevator motor is excellent even when there is traffic.
8- It produces the least noise during movement, so it does not cause noise pollution for the residents.

9- It does not need a motor home.
10- The parts used in it have a long life and durability.
11- It does not need a flywheel engine.
12- It provides smooth and quiet movement for passengers.
13- The efficiency of gearless motors is 90%.

14- It does not pose any danger to the environment and is considered environmentally friendly.

At Scud Lift, by providing the best and highest quality gearless elevator motor with all the advantages that we have mentioned, we have a great contribution in the calm and worry-free life of your dear ones. You can get more detailed information from our experts.